An article co-authored by Associate Director of Instructional Technology Support Services Janet Simons was published online in EDUCAUSE Quarterly Magazine (Volume 33, Number 3, 2010). “The Media Scholarship Project: Strategic Thinking about Media and Multimodal Assignments in the Liberal Arts” presents the results of a study undertaken by Hamilton, Colgate University and St. Lawrence University to “take stock of the ways in which multimodal assignments were being used” on the campuses and to look at “the ways in which such assignments foster interdisciplinary collaboration.” The project was made possible with a 2007 grant from the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) Instructional Innovation Fund.
The article presents information collected in 15 case studies in several categories: the collaborative process among faculty, staff and students; models for various types of assignment structures; methods for evaluating student work; and the future of media scholarship. It features video interviews with several Hamilton faculty and administrators: Vice President for Information Technology Dave Smallen, Edmund A. LeFevre Professor of English Patricia O’Neill, Professor of English Vincent Odamtten, Associate Professor of Africana Studies Angel Nieves and Krista Siniscarco, then instructional technology specialist.