
This past weekend my roommate Stephanie Valle went back to Hamilton to compete in an annual public speaking contest. Before she left, she commissioned our three other roommates and myself to be judges of the final version of her speech, which detailed the life of an intern in the White House.  Last semester the two of us had participated in Hamilton's Semester in Washington D.C. Program. Together we had decided to come to New York City for the spring semester. 

Listening to Stephanie's speech, I started to really consider the importance of an internship experience.  Having two internships during my junior year, both of which count for credit at Hamilton, has really prepared me for any plans I might consider post-graduation.  An internship is one of the great benefits of attending Hamilton College, one that many more individuals should consider during their college career. 

My internship in New York City has really given me a taste of what the occupation of an attorney encompasses.  For someone who has always been interested in law school, working at the Legal Aid Society has given me a unique insight into the legal practice, a perspective that only on-the-job, real world experience could provide.  I know that for Stephanie, interning at a prestigious public relations company has helped her decide if P.R. is an area that she would like to pursue after graduation.  We are both government majors, and in Washington D.C. last semester, we were able to experience the inside duties and functions of the United States federal government.  The real world experience that our internships have endowed us with has been priceless and is the first concrete stepping stone toward what we expect and anticipate the rest of our lives to hold.

Looking back upon my college experience thus far, I am thankful for the academic challenges Hamilton has provided within the classroom.  I would also like to use this week's journal entry as an opportunity to thank Hamilton for also enriching my college experience through programs like the Washington D.C. and New York City program, both of which have enhanced the fabric of my academic experience.

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