Charlie Warzel ’10 was recently featured in an episode of the new Netflix original series, Follow This. The series follows the path of BuzzFeed journalists as they look into and dissect quirky internet phenomenons through an investigative lens. In his episode, “The Future of Fakes,” Warzel, a senior technology writer for BuzzFeed News, analyzes online harassment and the darker side of technological advances. He researches, explores and documents his findings on the future of audio and video manipulation in the context of the modern misinformation crisis.
Major: Government
Clubs & Organizations: Adirondack Adventure, Buffers, Sino-American Relations Club, Untitled @ Large, Urban Outwitters
Fraternity: Alpha Delta Phi
Warzel looks at artificial intelligence (AI) and the potentially disastrous effects these modern technologies have on the Internet, politics, and the world order. He specifically investigates this phenomena within the context of fake news and the current misinformation crisis amongst social media platforms and international politics.
Warzel states that technology is “as good as we want it to be, and it is as bad as we make it” in regard to the possible unethical uses of such technology. Warzel’s episode is the seventh episode in Part I of Follow This.