This week our program considered Mayor Bloomberg, first in class and then on a field trip to City Hall. Comparing Bloomberg and Giuliani was interesting for me as a New Yorker. For me, Giuliani saved the city, while Bloomberg made New York City move from September 11 inertia to economic prosperity.  Both had goals and accomplished them, but with very different styles.   Our visit to City Hall enabled me to understand Bloomberg's position more than simply reading about him in The New York Times.  I was especially interested in his initiative to coordinate after-school education programs.
The other highlight of this week was my private mini-tour of Brooklyn, NY.  I know you wish you could have been there, but sadly we could only fit 5 in my car.  On Saturday, I took some of the girls to see a FREE movie in Sheepsead Bay, Brooklyn, which is located right by the city's main beaches.  While seeing a free movie could have been the highlight of the day alone, I think our very quick trip to Coney Island was most interesting.  Since we didn't have much time to spare after the movie, I decided to take the girls to see Coney Island, since it's the greatest attraction we Brooklynites have.  So as we zipped by in my car, Chuckie took a quick picture of the famous original Nathan's and we flew right back onto the highway.  Windows were closed tightly and doors were bolted shut.  The only thing we were missing was a sign on my hood saying "Tourists on Board."

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