Gabriel Rivas ’16 has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Germany. Rivas, an interdisciplinary studies major, studied at Universitat Tübingen in Germany during his junior year.
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Hometown: Miami, Fla.
High School: Design Architecture Senior High
Rivas is the recipient of a Posse Foundation full tuition leadership scholarship at Hamilton. During his semester abroad he was an English language volunteer at Mathilde-Weber Schule in Tübingen. Rivas has served as a Hamilton German Department tutor and English language tutor at the Refugee Center and BOCES in Utica. He was part of a group that received a Levitt Center grant to study literacy programs in Utica in 2014.The Fulbright ETA Program places U.S. students as English teaching assistants in schools or universities overseas, thus improving foreign students’ English language abilities and knowledge of the United States while increasing their own language skills and knowledge of the host country. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright is the largest U.S. international exchange program.
At Hamilton Rivas is founder of and instructor in the Fitness Club. He is manager of the campus Jitney shuttle service and a Theatre Department technical assistant. Rivas served as vice president of Delta Phi fraternity and of the DJ Club.
After his return to the U.S., Rivas plans to pursue English as a Second Language certification and work as a substitute teacher and tutor in the Miami-Dade Public school system. He hopes to eventually pursue a master’s degree in industrial design.