Matroner George '07 explains her poster at the MERCURY conference.
Matroner George '07 explains her poster at the MERCURY conference.

Twenty Hamilton students working with Winslow Professor of Chemistry George Shields and Assistant Professor of Chemistry Karl Kirschner presented their work at the fourth MERCURY Computational Chemistry conference on July 28.

"MERCURY conference has been a wonderful opportunity to meet scholars and students from other schools and discuss ideas about our research," said Marco Allodi '08.

MERCURY (Molecular Education and Research Consortium in Undergraduate Computational Chemistry) group is an organization of investigators, faculty and undergraduate students, at eight liberal arts colleges in the United States. The conference was held at Hamilton from July 27 to July 29. Seventy-seven conference participants heard keynote speakers, participated in discussions, and viewed students' work at a poster session.

Shields' students spent 10 weeks this summer working on computational chemistry research and presented their findings at the conference.

--- by Laura Trubiano '07

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