
Waking up at 7:30 every morning and getting on a packed subway wears down even the most resilient people. It is very easy to get caught up in the pace of the city and become oblivious to all that is around. Commuting to work is like getting thrown into fast moving rapids. You just move with the flow and try to keep your head above water. I have come to realize that the best way to appreciate New York City is to remove yourself from it and look at it in a new light. This can be done in different ways. One way is to physically leave. I think one of the more inspiring places to view the city is from the George Washington Bridge. (That is, if you are not driving.) The bridge is far enough away from the city that you feel like you are eye level with the tops of the skyscrapers. In a city that is obsessed with height, this is one place that lets you look down on those who are already high up. Another way to gain a better appreciation of the city is to explore it when no one else is around. The best way to do this is to stroll downtown during the early hours of the morning. There is nothing like walking around the narrow streets of Wall Street on a clear night at 3 a.m. It is during these hours you can really appreciate the buildings, the streets, and everything that makes this city unique. You feel like the city is your own to explore and navigate. There are no mobs of people, no commuting, and no schedule to follow. A stroll late at night will bring out the best of this city.


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