
Cheng Li, the William R. Kenan Professor of Government, spoke at Yale Law School on March 1 about the legal development in China under President Hu Jintao and recent Chinese intellectual and political discourse on constitutionalism.

Li was also quoted in two recent news articles. On February 26, Agence France Presse quoted Li in an article titled "Widening income gap likely on agenda as China's parliament meets." Li's quote was about the 11th five-year plan that kicks off this year which will help determine which regions of China get what and how much for the rest of the decade. "There are lots of details that need to be decided. All provinces want to make noises about their importance and need," said Li.

A March 3 South China Morning Post article titled "The Shanghai kingpin who rose to the top; Vice-premier's illness could see faction's strength decline" quoted Li on the end of the career of Huang Ju, former party chief of Shanghai, due to a recent cancer diagnosis. "The Shanghai gang will be less powerful than before and Hu Jintao will have more people in the standing committee and Politburo. Having said that, I think the coalition led by the Shanghai gang will remain powerful. The important thing is balance of power," said Li.

--by Laura Trubiano '07

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