
Although I doubt my internship with Nickelodeon will in any way further my aspirations in the fields of law and government, I'm beginning to pick up quite a few things about the way television production works.

Particularly when you are producing a live show on a daily basis, this line of work can be a real pressure cooker. "I can't do it" usually doesn't cut it as an answer. There may appear to be a lighthearted atmosphere, but everyone here knows that he or she is always under the gun. Nobody bats an eyelash when things go right on the show, but every mistake gets blown up a thousand-fold on live television. The "NippleGate" fiasco from the Super Bowl Halftime Show stands as a testament to this.

Despite the goofy nature of our show, I've learned a great deal about the importance placed on professionalism in the production industry. For example, even when I was standing in an abominable snowman suit next to Adam Sandler last week, I was expected to stay composed and not hassle him about how great I thought he was in Happy Gilmore. Still, I couldn't help but get a little bit giddy when he slapped me on the back and said "Nice job, Bigfoot," as he left. Ah, show business.

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