Participants in the 2013 Summer Organic Research Symposium
Participants in the 2013 Summer Organic Research Symposium

The Kinnel research group – Sky Aulita ’15, Krystina Choinski ’15, Tara Hansen ’14, Shakil Hossain ’14, Laura McCormick’15 and Bryce Timm ’15 – participated in a symposium for undergraduate organic chemistry research students on July 2 at Hobart and William Smith (HWS) Colleges. The students have been conducting research this summer under the direction of Robin Kinnel, Silas D. Childs Professor of Chemistry emeritus.

The researchers gave presentations about the projects they had been working on during the summer. The six Hamilton students were joined by four from HWS and seven from Colgate who are part of five different research groups at those two colleges. At the conclusion of the meeting, HWS students gave the Hamilton group an abbreviated guided tour of the campus and their research labs.

The symposium provides an opportunity for the students from the three institutions to hear what their compatriots are doing and to have informal conversations about their research. It began more than 15 years ago as a collaboration between the organizers at Hamilton and Colgate. Originally called CHOG, for Colgate-Hamilton Organic Group, the addition of Hobart and William Smith Colleges three years ago necessitated a name change. It is now known as the Summer Organic Research Symposium, or SmORS.

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