New York City has provided me with a wide variety of experiences in my brief time here.  I have explored and discovered new things, met new people, revisited places I saw as a child, gained work experience, and had fun.  And although many of these things have been done in groups, some of the most enjoyable times I have had have been on my own.  I have found that New York City inspires people to do things independently.  I find myself with the desire to discover the city on my own.  Just the other day, I woke up feeling motivated and headed out for a day out in the city alone.  I chose Greenwich Village to explore and had one of the most refreshing and satisfying days I have had here thus far.  I think it has something to do with the fact that there are so many people around you, none of whom you know.  It allows you complete and utter freedom to make the day yours, to do and see what you want, for however long you want.  That day, I walked, sat, drank coffee, wrote, shopped, and thought.  A "people person" who is usually at a school where everyone knows everyone, I had almost forgotten how nice it is to have time to yourself.  And so New York has proven itself to be a city whose millions of people provide the opportunity for company as well as peace and solitude.

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