Professor of Theatre Mark Cryer plays the role of Sheldon in Trouble in Mind, by Alice Childress. The show, a production of the Franklin Stage Company, opens on July 5 and runs through July 21 at Chapel Hall, located at 25 Institute Street in Franklin, N.Y.
The play is described as an “illuminating, moving, and surprisingly funny play set during rehearsals for a Broadway-bound play where harsh truths that spill out into the rehearsal room may cost the actors the work they so desperately need.”
According to its website, the mission of the Franklin Stage Company “is to produce professional, admission-free theater that brings together audiences and artists to create community and celebrate the enduring power of stories; and to ensure the preservation of Chapel Hall, our historic home, as both an architectural treasure and a center of community activity.”
Showtimes are Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 5 p.m., with a matinee at 3 p.m. on Saturday. Though there is no admission charge, donations to support the Franklin Stage Company’s mission are appreciated.