The search committee will be chaired by trustee vice chairs Robert Delaney ’79 and Linda Johnson ’80. They will be joined by:
- Aron J. Ain ’79, P ’09,’11, charter trustee
- Christopher D. Card, vice president and dean of students
- Rhea R. Datta, assistant professor of biology
- Mark T. Fedorcik ’95, alumni trustee
- Kevin W. Kennedy ’70, life trustee
- Gill M. King P’16, ex officio, chief of staff and secretary to the board
- Lea H. Kuck ’87, P’24, charter trustee
- Karen L. Leach, vice president for administration and finance
- Jeff F. Little ’71, P’04, life trustee
- Sharon D. Madison ’84, charter trustee
- Quentin L. Messer III, class of 2026
- Celeste D. Moore, associate professor of history
- Daniel T.H. Nye ’88, P’24, charter trustee
- David M. Solomon ’84, P’16, chair, board of trustees
- Aaron L. Strong, assistant professor of environmental studies
- Sophie M. Thompson, class of 2024
The committee will be assisted by the Isaacson, Miller executive search firm.
The committee will begin working immediately by scheduling a number of Zoom listening sessions, with additional in-person opportunities for feedback in August and September when students and faculty return for the fall semester.
Members of the Hamilton community may also provide input via a survey on the College’s Presidential Search website. Community feedback will be used “to develop a position profile that will provide a compelling description of Hamilton and the opportunity to be the College’s next president. It will outline Hamilton’s history and mission, as well as a realistic and enticing picture of the challenges, measures of success, and ideal skills, experiences, and qualifications of the new president.”
The Search Committee will be assisted by John Isaacson and Kate Barry of Isaacson, Miller, a Boston-based executive search firm with extensive experience recruiting leaders for colleges and universities.