“I had many TTC teachers in my middle school classes,” Gordon said. “I engaged with them, and I’m excited to go back because it’s a good program. I know it works because I’ve seen it work. I’ve seen it make really good teachers.”
Shady Hill’s TTC program is largely targeted toward college graduates with little teaching experience. At Hamilton, Gordon began as a “reluctant” math major. His preference for theoretical math and dislike for applied math ruled out many jobs, both in STEM and non-STEM fields. But his reluctance began to fade when he spoke with Associate Professor of Mathematics Michelle LeMasurier and Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jose Ceniceros. These professors’ math journeys did not follow the linear path of “academic excellence'' that Gordon had been taught to strive for. After realizing the many possible paths of a math major, he’ll graduate with a degree in mathematics, and intends to use that degree as he works to become a middle school math teacher.
Though Gordon never took an education class at Hamilton, he has spent years working with children, both as summer camp counselor and, in summer 2019, as a preschool’s permanent substitute teacher. He reflects on how his experience at the preschool set him on his path to becoming a teacher.
“It’s one thing to be a summer camp counselor and be viewed as this leader, but it was something else to be in the classroom,” Gordon said. “It was a whole different sort of challenge, … and it was really cool. I loved seeing these kids be creative and want to problem-solve and ask questions.”
Jeremy Gordon ’22
Major: Mathematics
Hometown: Newton, Mass.
High School: Newton North High School
Activities: Duelly Noted, Choir, Men's Ultimate Frisbee
At Shady Hill, Gordon will work under a middle school math teacher, who he’ll learn from throughout the course of each semester. He will start off primarily as a teacher assistant, but by the end of each semester, Gordon will have taken on a more active role in lesson planning and teaching.
The lessons he learns in the Shady Hill classroom will be enriched by his accelerated master’s coursework that will begin this summer at Lesley University. “When I was applying, everyone was saying how much work it will be to do both at the same time,” Gordon said. “I’m sure it will be a lot of work, but Hamilton, has prepared me for [the rigorous time commitments]. And it’s going to be the kind of work that makes me want to get up in the morning.”