
I think it's about time I divulged a little bit more information about my internship at ABC.  I work for ABC's 20/20 and Primetime, and I love it.  Initially, I was unsure whether I had made the right choice in deciding to work for a major television network.  I viewed this semester in New York City as a time to figure out what I am interested in doing with my life and actually get some hands-on experience in one of my principal fields of interest. At first, however, my internship at ABC consisted of running around its three building complex off Central Park delivering tapes and documents to editors, producers, and lawyers.  But as the weeks progressed, I got to know more and more of the editors and producers and became friendly with many of them, including Alan Goldberg, who produces pieces for Barbara Walters on 20/20.  I became more comfortable asking for work and introducing myself to others.

One of my introductions led me to Christy Tobin, Hamilton alumna and now an associate producer for ABC's Primetime. Christy immediately put me on her latest assignment, working on Diane Sawyer's upcoming interview with Mel Gibson about his movie, "The Passion of the Christ."  I have been going in to work early and leaving late every night. I even went in on Saturday to help out with compiling the final shots and voice-over for the Monday night Diane Sawyer special.  This challenging experience has taught me a lot about myself and has been rewarding in ways I never expected.  I worked my behind off this week because I was truly invested in the work we were doing.  I did not care about getting my name in the credits of the show or simply proving myself to others.  I cared about the finished product and the process of working with many different people with many different talents and skills in order to produce the best show possible.  In the end, it is again the connections to the people around me that keep me going and help me make it through those long hard days in the big city.

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