
Working for nick.com and mtv.com makes for a great internship, at least when I am not tortured with playing the Osbournes Trivia Challenge 25 times in order to determine if the questions I wrote pop up.  When not busy with writing and attempting to learn the computer aspect of the job, I can take advantage of MTV's perks. 

At lunch today, I registered to vote as part of the "Choose or Lose" campaign.  Monday was free ice cream day as MTV University sought to promote seminars on healthy living.  Apparently, ice cream is a vital part of a good life (I don't disagree.)  Nickelodeon gives me outdated toys and school supplies.  The writers and designers have desks lined with toys to entertain them when they are bored or inspire them when stumped.  On Tuesday, I was called up to the 25th floor for a private concert with Matt Nathanson.  MTV has dubbed him "buzzworthy" and I was lucky enough to sit in a conference room and listen to him play.  He sings about love and the wonders of life from moment to moment.  I hope he succeeds if only so I can hear his songs again.  Aside from all these great experiences, MTV provides free soda and free candy everyday; these things just make the internship sweeter.

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