
Darkness.  Silence.  All at once, the night sky appears and illuminates everything around me.  Oooo.  Ahhhh.  Then I hear a voice from above.  Could it be?  No, wait!  It's Tom Hanks!

I remembered the planetarium being much bigger.  Nevertheless, I was fascinated.  The show began with a brief history of the stars and our solar system, narrated by Tom Hanks, and then went on to describe the infinite possibilities and endless patterns of our mysterious night sky.  I tried to remember the last time I visited the planetarium, and I could not help but notice how the technology has changed.  Seeing such an amazing replica of the night sky as a kid was always fun, but as soon as the narrator starting telling me what happened 25 billion years ago in that dreadful monotone, I quickly lost interest.  This time, it was like a rollercoaster ride.  The three-dimensional technology made me feel as if I were flying through space, and all I could think was, I want to be an astronomer when I grow up!  No, wait…an astronaut!  The kids behind me yelling "Wow!" were no more excited than I was.  I guess the fact that I can contain my childlike emotions in public is just an unfortunate consequence of age.

The planetarium at the Rose Center at the Museum of Natural History is something I think I would enjoy at any age.  It was a nice break from the city, and a fun way to bring back some childhood memories. 

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