
I did not realize how much I actually liked New York City until I left for the weekend. I was surprised to discover how much I missed the city while I was in Buffalo. I seemed to catch myself comparing the city to the Buffalo area.  For example, I compared how it is faster and more efficient to take the subway everywhere instead of having to get into a car and drive a lot farther away.  Everything is so much closer in the city. I also thought that New York has many more "night life" options than Buffalo.  There is always something new and different to see in the city.  Not only that, I could not stop talking about the city and everything there is to do it there.  I would talk about the museums I have seen, the shops I have browsed, the places that I plan to go, etc. Leaving the city helped me to discover how much I enjoy being there.

While I was traveling back to LaGuardia airport from my weekend away I was amazed by the view of the city from the airplane window.  It was dark outside and all that could be seen were the lights of Manhattan.  From the sky I saw the streets north to south and east to west, neatly crossing each other.  Immediately I knew that it was the Manhattan "grid". Seeing the grid from above was completely different from seeing it on a map.  I could see how the grid covered practically the whole island.  It seemed so large.  It was a gorgeous sight that I will definitely remember. 

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