The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.

COVID-19 Case Numbers as of Today

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

Two years ago this week, our ACC China program shut down early because of a “novel coronavirus.” We have been working hard to strike the right balance between safety and normalcy ever since. I understand the disappointments and frustrations that come with a college experience so heavily shaped by COVID-19. Some members of our community have lost family members or friends, many have encountered financial hardships, and all of us are tired of the burdens and restrictions of pandemic life. The next few weeks may prove particularly challenging, but I’m confident in the ability of our community to manage whatever comes.

Earlier today, we learned that 34 members of our campus community – 27 students and 7 employees – tested positive for COVID-19 (with roughly 50 results outstanding) based on PCR tests administered at the Testing Center on Tuesday. Those who tested positive are now in isolation, and I know you join me in wishing them a quick return to campus. The number of positives, though higher than we are used to seeing, is not unexpected, and it’s somewhat lower than the numbers we have seen at many peer schools. As we have all learned, Omicron is extremely contagious, even if most cases, particularly among those who are vaccinated and boosted, are mild.

Volunteers on the Hamilton Support Squad will call students in isolation daily to provide encouragement and support. As previously communicated, the Oneida County Health Department no longer has the capacity to conduct contact tracing in most instances due to the large number of positive cases in the area. College staff will work with students and employees who test positive to ensure that the most critical close contacts are notified.

The College has a substantial but finite number of hotel rooms available for isolation. If they are filled, we will need to consider in-room isolation in the residence halls, particularly for students who are asymptomatic or whose roommates have also tested positive. As always, students are responsible for reaching out to their professors to keep up with course assignments, and faculty will do what they can to assist.

For now, the College will continue in Green operating status. We anticipate that in-person instruction will resume in full on Monday, Jan. 24, although the COVID-19 Task Force will review Thursday’s test results before making a final decision.

I understand that the current case counts are a source of anxiety for many members of our community. Nonetheless, our experience (and that of our peers) makes clear that the principal risk of COVID transmission occurs in social settings, not the classroom. Omicron is, of course, more easily transmissible than previous variants, but the experience of peer institutions with earlier start dates than ours suggests that our protocols, including mandatory vaccination, boosters, enhanced ventilation, testing, and masking, will continue to keep the classroom safe. As was the case in prior semesters, faculty who have compelling pedagogical or health reasons for seeking to offer instruction remotely should consult with the Academic Continuity Working Group.

Our Spring 2022 operating plan is available on the COVID-19 Information website, complete with Frequently Asked Questions that are updated regularly. Here are links to some of the most important topics:

All of us hope that the current surge in COVID-19 cases will soon subside. In the meantime, please continue to support one another and help us deliver the best education and residential experience we can while keeping our community safe and whole. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach out to me directly.


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