The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.


Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

Since arriving at Hamilton in 2016, I have witnessed time and again the unique bond students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and close friends build with this College. I have felt that connection personally, and it has made my decision to retire on June 30, 2024, bittersweet.

My time at Hamilton has been the most satisfying of my career. I have watched with pride as entering classes set records for quality, selectivity and diversity; new and renovated buildings enhanced an already beautiful campus; teacher-scholars of the highest caliber made Hamilton their home; and trustees, alumni, parents, and friends gave generously of their time and resources.

I am grateful for the opportunity to witness the positive and profound changes our students experience during their four years here; for the privilege to work with and learn from so many talented Hamiltonians, all of whom share a deep commitment to this institution; and for the chance to forge relationships that, I hope, will last a lifetime. For all that and more, I will miss the College and this community so very much when I step down.

At my inauguration, I paraphrased Rabbi Tarfon’s words about study of the Torah: “the day is short, and the work is plentiful . . . it’s not our responsibility to finish the work, but neither can we desist from it.” Sharing in the work of making Hamilton even better than it has been is what has made my time here so exciting. While this work is not – and should never be – finished, I will do all I can in the coming year to ensure continued success for Hamilton and its next president.

With profound gratitude and best wishes,


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