The following links are a repository of statements, announcements, campus updates, and other writings and remarks by President Wippman during his time as Hamilton’s 20th president.

Testing Update

Tags Public Statements

Dear Members of the Hamilton Community,

I write with a short update to the message I sent on Wednesday.

Yesterday’s PCR testing yielded 18 student and 2 employee positives out of 2127 tests, with 27 tests still outstanding and 19 “abnormal” results requiring a re-test. Those who tested positive are now in isolation, and we wish them a quick return to campus. To expedite notification and reduce the burden on staff, students who test positive on future Testing Center PCR tests will receive an automated email informing them of the test result and next steps.

We would, of course, prefer to see no new cases, but these numbers are lower than we anticipated given the numbers we are seeing at many peer institutions. Accordingly, as previously indicated, full in-person instruction will resume on Monday. We hope to return to our Blue operating status soon, but for the moment will continue in Green.

I trust I will soon be writing about subjects more uplifting than Omicron and, in the meantime, wish everyone a wonderful spring semester.


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