Meet the Fellows!
By Madeleine Cerone
December 4, 2024

At the Days-Massolo Multicultural Center, there are five students that keep our center organized and involved with campus life. These students include Ashley Beck, Lina Igumnova, Madeleine Cerone (me!), Jun Reiss, and Nickie Conlogue. In this article, we share a little bit about who the DMC Fellows are, what they do, and which snacks you might find in their dorm room.
Madeleine Cerone ’26
Communications Fellow
What is your role?
I compile the DMC newsletter by writing articles, creating content, and uploading pictures to a template that gets sent out to the entire campus. I help edit articles that give in-depth reviews of events that the DMC orgs, DMC Fellows, and our Director Koboul do so much work to organize.
What inspires you about working at the DMC?
The DMC was the very first community on campus that welcomed me and made me feel supported at Hamilton during my first few days as a freshman. I continue to feel so inspired and uplifted by my co-workers. I also love how passionate the DMC community is about their clubs and the work/events they do.
Late night snack of choice?
Cheez-Its all the way
Lina Igumnova ’27
Media Presence Fellow
Lina is the DMC’s resident photographer! She also manages our Instagram page, which helps make sure that everyone stays up to date on the daily happenings at the DMC. Occasionally, she makes creative graphics to be displayed on our newsletter, social media page, or website.
What inspires you about working at the DMC?
The community! I am convinced that our DMC fellows, student orgs leaders, DMC cluster clubs members, DMC allies and staff are some of the best people on this campus
Late night snack of choice?
Rainbow goldfish
Ashley Beck ’26
Communications Fellow
What is your role?
As a Communications Fellow I work closely with the DMC orgs and other fellows to participate in and report on all the wonderful DMC related events and social activism work happening on campus.
What inspires you about working at the DMC?
I'm inspired by my incredible colleagues and all of the DMC orgs who continuously pour their hearts into the social activism and community building work we do.
Late night snack of choice?
Popcorn with M&Ms or cheese and crackers
Jun Reiss ’26
Cluster Fellow
What is your role?
I help coordinate between the six DMC organizations along with bringing them all together at monthly Community Dinners.
What inspires you about working at the DMC?
I find working at the DMC to be the best route to pursue activism on campus. Activism is not only pushing for education and change, but it is also celebration and creating connections. Working at the DMC has inspired me because I feel like I can push for change, but also because I have the opportunity to make connections with incredible people.
Late night snack of choice?
Nickie Conlogue ’25
DMC Generalist
What is your role?
I primarily focus on logistics and on communications running through the DMC. I help Dr. Mansour at her request with anything from programming events to finances, as well as serving as a resource overall for the other Fellows.
What inspires you about working at the DMC?
The sense of community first inspired me to work at the DMC. Ever since I began working here at the start of my freshman year, the people in this community have continuously reminded me as to why I am passionate about our work, advocacy, and goals.
Late night snack of choice?
Strawberries with Crunchy Peanut Butter
Thank you DMC Fellows for all the work you do behind the scenes to keep our beloved, blue center running smoothly. Go check out our Instagram post to see their five smiling faces!
Office / Department Name
Days-Massolo Center
Contact Name
Koboul E. Mansour, Ph.D
Director of the Days-Massolo Center