02 26
When 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 26
Where Fillius Events Barn Lobby, Map #18

Event Description

Common Ground All Campus Student Debate Event Image

Chipotle dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Debate starts at 7:00 p.m.

Common Ground is hosting our first ever campus-wide debate where students, faculty, and staff are invited to debate the resolution "Resolved: Environmental protections are more important than economic growth." Please RSVP to attend.

This debate is coordinated by the Common Ground student ambassadors in collaboration with the College Debates and Discourse Alliance using the Braver Angels debate model. Unlike some forms of debate, the Braver Angels model isn't about winning or losing; it's about exploring ideas and engaging in a collective search for truth. The debate will employ an amended parliamentary format to encourage everyone to participate, to support good faith and accurate disagreement, and to promote better understanding for all. Opening speakers will share remarks in affirmation and negation of the resolution, then the floor will open for all in attendance to share their beliefs and thoughts on the topic. After each speaker, participants will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions.

This debate will be moderated by Mae Rum, a program coordinator for the College Debates and Discourse Alliance who primarily represents Braver Angels. She has worked closely with Student Fellows on the John Templeton Foundation Research Project to bring civil discourse programming to campuses nationwide. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Cinema Studies from SUNY Purchase. Today she is visiting from New York City, where she is also a professional actor.


Contact Name

Kaitlyn (Kaity) Stewart

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