The goal of the Psychology Department is to provide students with the tools to pursue novel questions about behavior and the mind using the scientific method. Strong emphasis is placed on helping students learn to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely.
The Senior Program
Each psychology major completes a research project that culminates in a written thesis and an oral presentation. Working closely with a faculty advisor, the student uses the senior project to synthesize and focus previous coursework. Each project is an original work of scholarship that provides an in-depth examination of a particular empirical or theoretical issue.
Recent projects in psychology include:
- “Dear God, Why Me?”: Personality, Religious/Spiritual Struggles, and Well-being in a Jewish Population
- Stereotypes and Bail Hearings
- White Privilege Perceptions Following an Ego Threat: Comparing Self-Affirmation and Self-Compassion as Protective Factors
- Does Targeting Pluralistic Ignorance Reduce Loneliness by Decreasing the Pressure to Hide Negative Emotions from Others?
- Impact of Mental Illness Mitigating Evidence on Blame Attribution and Sentencing Endorsements
- The Relationship Between Self-Reflection and Social Problem-Solving
- Can Video Games Help Us Keep Going?
- The Relationship Between Attending a Strict Religious Faith-Based School and Worsening Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Early Adolescents
- The Straw that Broke the Friendship’s Back: How Gender Impacts Friendship Breakups
- For the Love of Subtitles! Inattention and Digital Media
- The Power of Play: How Play Impacts Well-being in Adulthood
- Time Flies When You’re With Your Pet? The Role of Pets in Affective Time Estimation
- Is Higher Education Liberal Propaganda? The Relationship Between College Major and Political Affiliation
- MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD: The Role of Music Selection
- Art Therapy for Autism: Is There a Better Age to Start?
- With a Little Help From My Friend: The Effect of the Presence of a Close Friend on Positive Risk-Taking
- Problem-Solving Strategies in Middle Childhood: Employing Self-Talk to Narrate a Growth Mindset
- “Put me in, Coach”: How Coaching Style Impacts Performance Outcomes
- Investigating Correlates of PTSD and Depression After Unwanted Sexual Contact: Victim-Blame, Self-Blame, and Rape Myth Acceptance
- Missed Autism Diagnosis? The Role of Sex, Gender Identity, and Camouflaging
- Collectivism or Individualism: Which Is Stronger When Resources Are Scarce?
- Examining the Role of Learning in Emotion Regulation
- Athletic Participation as Protection? Understanding the Relationship Between Sport Type and Eating Disorders in Females
- The Effect of Race and Symptomatology on Patient Believability
- Cumulative Risk and Parent Stress on Child Emotion Regulation: Can Pretend Play Serve as a Protective Factor?
- What’s Mine Is Yours
- The Social Disgust: Reported Disgust Mediates Perceived Observation and Blame
- Start Simple: The Use of Scaffolded Learning in A Complex Spatial Localization Task
Department Name
Psychology Department
Contact Name
Tara McKee, Chair
Clinton, NY 13323