Since the opening of the Taylor Science Center in 2005, Hamilton College has seen a 33% increase in STEM majors — a rate nearly twice the national average.

About the space

  • At 200,000 GSF, the four floors of the Taylor Science Center are home to high-tech classrooms, teaching and research labs, support spaces, seminar rooms, student lounges, and study rooms, as well as the Science Stockroom, Greenhouse, Electron Microscopy Suite, and Wood & Electrical Shops.
  • The complex also contains an auditorium, coffeehouse, and a large atrium gathering space.
  • Students are supported in their research by a state-of-the-art 500 MHZ nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, five mass spectrometer; prep and semi-prep HPLC with fraction collectors; scanning microscopes, and an X-ray diffractometer and fluorescence spectrometer.
  • The building also features a chemistry super computer, a laboratory for bioinformatics research, and a psychology statistics laboratory.

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Faculty-student interaction is the cornerstone of a Hamilton education. In the sciences, the most important form of this is faculty-student collaborative research... We now have a first-class science ‘stadium’ that will undoubtedly enhance year-round faculty-student research and, in addition, will promote faculty-faculty interdisciplinary research.

Dave Bailey Winslow Chair of Modern Science and Professor of Geosciences David Bailey

Research & Discovery

Whether it’s during the academic year or the summer, Hamilton students collaborate with professors on original research. Often their work results in articles published in peer-reviewed journals or in presentations at national conferences.

Students in Prof. Max Majireck's chemistry lab

Combating Heart Disease Through Chemistry

This summer, four Hamilton students and Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck worked to develop an improved method of protein synthesis with significant implications for heart disease treatment and, perhaps, the pharmaceutical industry at large.

 Abigail Myers and Gabriela Munoz Rojas '25

Studying the Mighty Powerhouse of the Tiny Brain Cell

Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology Abigail Myers, along with five students, have spent their summer researching the connection between disrupted neuronal migration and neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically as it relates to the mighty mitochondrion, the powerhouse of the cell.

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