Justin Clark
Associate Professor of Philosophy

Justin Clark’s research concentrates on ancient theories of virtue, as well as various problems in moral psychology. His dissertation focused primarily on the theory of virtue in early Plato and the moral psychology of Plato’s “dialogues of definition.” Clark is a proponent of virtue ethics as a viable alternative to deontological and consequentialist theories.
In addition to classes related to his research, he enjoys teaching environmental ethics, social and political philosophy, aesthetics, and the philosophy of religion.
Recent Courses Taught
Philosophy East and West
Justice and the Good Life
Research Interests
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Ethical Theory
Select Publications
- Plato’s Dialogues of Definition: Conceptual and Causal Investigations, Palgrave MacMillan (2022)
- “Socrates, the ‘What is F-ness?’ Question, and the Priority of Definition” Archive Für Geschichte der Philosophie (forthcoming, 2021)
- “Socratic Inquiry and the ‘What is F?’ Question” European Journal of Philosophy, 26(4),1324-1342 (2019)
- “Knowledge and Temperance in Plato’s Charmides” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 19 (4), 763-789, (2018)
- “Eudaimonistic Virtue Ethics and Self-Effacement,” Journal of Value Inquiry, 50 (3) 507-524 (2016)
- “Socrates, the Primary Question, and the Unity of Virtue,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45(4), 445-470 (2015)
- Plato’s Dialogues of Definition: Conceptual and Causal Investigations, Palgrave MacMillan (2022)
“Love and Friendship in Plato’s Lysis: a Socratic Account” Illinois Classical Studies, (forthcoming)
Book Chapters
“Socratic Virtue Intellectualism” in Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates, eds. Nicholas Smith, Ravi Sharma, and Russell Jones (2023)
“Locke, Money, and the ‘Raising of the Coin’” in The Lockean Mind (Routledge), eds. Shelley Weinberg and Jessica Gordon-Roth (2021)
“Socratic Virtue Intellectualism” in Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates, eds. Nicholas Smith, Ravi Sharma, and Russell Jones (2023)
“Locke, Money, and the ‘Raising of the Coin’” in The Lockean Mind (Routledge), eds. Shelley Weinberg and Jessica Gordon-Roth (2021)
Appointed to the Faculty
2018Educational Background
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
M.A., Western Michigan University
B.A., University of Iowa