  • Hamilton’s Department of Dance and Movement Studies was profiled in the July 2015 issue of Dance Studio Life Magazine.  Each issue highlights “College Close ups: What Students Need to Know about University Dance Programs.”

  • The New York Times published a letter to the editor penned by President Joan Hinde Stewart in its June 30 issue under the headline “Don't Diminish Hamilton.” While emphasizing the Treasury’s need “to make room for a woman on our currency,” Stewart pointed out aspects of Hamilton’s life on which few others have focused in their defense of his continued presence on the bill. “Alexander Hamilton’s rise to eminence exemplifies exactly the ideals that this immigrant nation has always espoused,” she wrote.

  • A historic U.S. Supreme Court opinion today legalizes same-sex marriage across the country. Civil rights lawyer and Hamilton alumna Mary Bonauto ’83 was one of the attorneys who argued against same-sex marriage bans before the court, and she won earlier legal victories that helped lay the groundwork for today’s decision.

  • An interview with Shaker collector Stephen Miller in Antiques & the Arts Weekly included references to  Hamilton’s Director and Curator of Special Collections and Archives Christian Goodwillie and the Burke Library’s Communal Societies Special Collection. 

  • Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, was featured on a June 11  American Public Media Marketplace broadcast. Referencing U.S. Commerce Department figures that showed May retail sales were up 1.2 percent, Owen warned not to pay too much attention to monthly vacillations.

  • In a lengthy article titled “Voter Turnout in U.S. Mayoral Elections Is Pathetic, But It Wasn't Always This Way - A short history of how America’s urban voters stopped showing up at the polls” in The Atlantic’s CityLab, Philip Klinkner, the James S. Sherman Professor of Government, was quoted extensively. 

  • In The Wall Street Journal’s The Weekend Interview, alumnus Matt Zeller ’04 discussed the plight of Iraqi and Afghan interpreters who helped Americans during our nation’s engagement in those countries and who now find themselves in great danger in their own countries. The article detailed the non-profit organization Zeller created, No One Left Behind, to get these individuals and their families moved and settled safely in this country.

  • Three Hamilton professors, Professor of Sociology Dennis Gilbert, Associate Professor of Government Peter Cannavo and Assistant Professor of Government Erica de Bruin have participated recently in interviews in their areas of expertise with media outlets based in New York, California and London. Here are brief summaries and links to them. 

  • WAMC/Northeast Public Radio will feature a reading by Daniel Chambliss, the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology,  on Friday, May 22, as part of the station’s Academic Minute, a nationally syndicated program. Chambliss’ piece focuses on the key ingredients of a college experience that keep students engaged and motivated. The program is broadcast locally on WAMC at 90.3 FM at 7:34 a.m. and 3:56 p.m. and can also be accessed at InsideHigherEd.com here.

  • The Chronicle of Higher Education, in an article titled “At Hamilton College, Top Administrators Were Themselves First-Generation Students,” (article pasted below) highlighted the college’s focus on expanding access and equalizing experiences on campus.  The May 18 story reported on the challenges first-generation students face and how Hamilton’s programs, including First-Year-Forward, SEAS and the universal orientation program (beginning this August), address them.

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