  • Philip Klinkner, the James S. Sherman Professor of Government, was quoted extensively in a National Public Radio website article that addressed how the GOP might react going forward in light of Governor Mitt Romney’s defeat. Posted hours after President Obama delivered his victory speech, “Republican Response Likely To Be Tactical, Not Transformative” appeared in NPR’s It’s all politics column.

  • Tracy Adler, director of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, spoke with WAMC host Joe Donahue on the station’s daily Roundtable morning show about the museum’s opening and current exhibition. The Oct. 25 interview can be heard on the WAMC site.

  • A feature story appearing on the Forbes website titled “What's Better Than College Art History 101? A Campus Museum,” features the college’s new Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art. The Oct. 22 article penned by Hamilton alumna Lynn Matthews Douglass ’81 addresses “a new trend on liberal arts campuses to build museums to teach art.”

  • Using examples from today’s political landscape, Professor of Government P. Gary Wyckoff examined elements of critical thinking in an essay titled “What Exactly Is Critical Thinking,” published by InsideHigherEd in its Oct. 11 edition. “As I prepared for the start of classes this fall, I tried to pinpoint the critical thinking skills I really want my students to learn,” wrote Wyckoff.  “And as I listened to public debates on everything from tax policy to Obamacare, five essential thinking skills seemed to be missing, again and again.”

  • Professor of Sociology Dennis Gilbert was interviewed about America’s middle class for CNBC.com and for l'Unità, an Italian newspaper. Gilbert is the author of The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality (Sage, 2011)

  • In a Religious Dispatches essay, “‘Cult’ Cinema Comes of Age,” Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate examined recent films that focus on cults including The Master, the latest in the group. In the Oct. 7 article, Plate described The Master as “emblematic of a new, more nuanced treatment of cults in the movies,” and “more or less … the story of L. Ron Hubbard and the birth of Scientology.”

  • Director Tracy Adler and her staff are in the process of putting the finishing touches on The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art in preparation for the official opening celebration. On Thursday, Oct. 4, the festivities will begin.

  • The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art will be featured on the locally produced, weekly television show Mohawk Valley Living on Sunday, Sept. 30, at 7:30 a.m. and 11 p.m. on WFXV (Channel 6 on Time Warner Cable) and will be rebroadcast next Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. The segment can be viewed on the show's site at approximately 10:10.

  • Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, spoke with The Christian Science Monitor for an article titled “Time to refinance your mortgage? Rates hit historic lows” published on Sept. 27. She discussed the current inflation rate as it relates to fixed-rate loan rates and how increased housing and mortgage demand might change borrowing rates. She also addressed the possible effect of Federal Reserve actions.

  • Two of Ken Bart's microscopy images appear in an article “Everyday Objects Up Close” in The Huffington Post (9/17/12). Bart is director of Hamilton’s Microscopy and Imaging Facility. The slide show features electron microscope images provided by scientific instruments company FEI.  Bart’s images show the surface of a tomato leaf and a caterpillar.


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