  • Despite living so close to Utica, the majority of Hamilton students spend little time there. Wynn Van Dusen ’15, however, has developed an interest in the city’s history. Through her Emerson Foundation project, “Remembering ‘The City that God Forgot’: A Study of Pop Culture and Art in Utica, Post World War II,” she is trying to gain a sense of what living in Utica in the era of its decline felt like. Van Dusen is working with Margaret Bundy Scott Professor of Theatre Carole Bellini-Sharp.

  • This summer, Mackenzie Leavenworth ’15 is living the dream of any classics major. With funding from an Emerson Foundation grant, she is working on an excavation in Gournia, Greece. In addition to uncovering information about the ancient site, she has the opportunity to explore Greece, undoubtedly making her the envy of many of her classmates.

  • When Jessica Moulite ’14 was growing up, she didn’t watch cartoons. Instead, she was only allowed to watch the news. She credits this with giving her a lasting interest in journalism and broadcasting, one which she is exploring this summer through an internship with CBS. With funding from the George and Martha Darcy Internship Support Fund, managed by the Career Center,  she is working with the CBS Evening News and gaining experience toward a future career in broadcast media.

  • When Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code was released, it generated both curiosity and criticism for its portrayal of Christianity. For Ivy Akumu ’15, it sparked an interest in the history of Christianity and, by extension, of other religions. Her growing fascination led to an Emerson Foundation-funded research project this summer, titled “Demystifying African Religion.”  Through this project, she aims to deconstruct misconceptions about traditional African religions, partially through drawing parallels between them and Christianity.

  • The ideal of a liberal arts education involves taking courses over a wide and varied curriculum, especially when that means taking some risks. Kina Viola ’14, a creative writing major, is embodying that ideal by pursuing a research project that combines writing and math, a subject she’s always been interested in despite a proclaimed lack of familiarity.

  • During her four years at Hamilton Diane Paverman ’13 worked on multiple computer science projects using technology to analyze human emotions. Now a recent graduate, she’ll be turning that experience into a career, beginning as a technology consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton as part of a team dealing with cybersecurity.

  • Hamilton emphasizes its students’ ability to write and edit effectively, and this summer Olivia Valcarce ’15 is taking advantage of those skills through an internship at Writers House Literary Agency. Valcarce, a Writing Center tutor on campus, is receiving financial support from the Joseph F. Anderson ’44 Internship Fund, administered through Hamilton’s Career Center, to pursue a long-term career interest in editing.

  • Last fall, Nate Goebel ’15 realized that he wasn’t satisfied with the way he read plays and decided to improve his reading of what happens between the lines of dialogue. In an Emerson Foundation Grant project titled “Apocalypse at Dinner: A Creative-Minded Study of Anton Chekhov’s Craft,” Goebel will immerse himself in the plays and short stories of Anton Chekhov and will ultimately adapt one of the author's stories into a short play, developing a first-hand knowledge of playwriting.

  • Alex Thompson ’13 has an impressive resume, particularly for someone who has only just completed his undergraduate degree. He’s worked on multiple research projects in chemistry and biology, spent a summer working at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin, interned at biotechnology company Genentech in San Francisco, co-authored a paper in The Journal of Organic Chemistry, and co-authored a chapter in the recently released book Hetereocyclic Chemistry in Drug Discovery. This fall he’ll be adding to his impressive list of accomplishments and beginning a Ph.D. program in chemistry at Yale University.

  • Anna Paikert ’13 has always known that she wanted to help people, and she’s always loved working with children. When she first came to Hamilton, she thought she would follow a pre-med course and become a pediatrician. While she changed directions and became a creative writing major, she retained her central purpose of helping children. This summer she will be joining the NYC Teaching Fellows, a program that enables its fellows to teach full-time in a New York City public school while pursuing a master’s degree in education. Paikert will go into special education, building on in-depth involvement in education during her time at Hamilton.

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