  • The 13th issue of Book XI: a Journal of Literary Philosophy with the theme "Books, Reading, and Being Read," was recently published. It includes an essay by Visiting Assistant Professor of Government Joel Winkelman as well as other essays, stories, and poems about the theme.

  • As Associate Professor of Biology Andrea Townsend was investigating how infectious disease affects the problem-solving performance of American crows, she was surprised to discover how few studies compared the effects of disease on cognition in other species.

  • Research by Associate Professor of Sociology Jaime Kucinskas was recently featured on the Moral Matters podcast, produced by the American Sociological Association’s Altruism, Morality and Social Solidarity Section.

  • National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, alumni, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. December’s news topics included Moms for Liberty, spirituality, and the war in Ukraine, among others.

  • Craig Latrell, Professor of Theatre and Upson Chair of Public Discourse, visited several Moroccan villages in January 2024 with officers of the High Atlas Foundation to observe ongoing post-earthquake reconstruction sites.

  • The Fractured Voice: Silence and Power in Imperial Roman Literature, by Assistant Professor of Classics Amy Koenig, was recently published by the University of Wisconsin Press.

  • More than a dozen professionals from museums in central New York came together on College Hill in November to talk about their collections and missions with faculty and other members of the College community interested in Hamilton’s new curatorial studies initiative.

  • Major national and international media outlets and leading publications from the higher education industry turned to Hamilton College faculty, staff, and alumni for their expertise and thought leadership on a broad range of topics in 2023.

  • In The Color of Homeschooling: How Inequality Shapes School Choice, Assistant Professor of Sociology Mahala Stewart exposes the racial differences in homeschooling and what that might mean for the nation's education system. The book, published by New York University Press this fall, is based on more than 100 interviews with homeschooling families conducted by Stewart.

  • In July, Professor Emeritus of French John C. O'Neal presented a paper in French on occupational illnesses in 18th-century Europe, honoring the late Gabriel Richet of the French Academy of Medicine, whom he mentioned as a partner in this project.

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