  • Alexei Smith ’19, who has wanted to be an aerospace engineer since she was in high school, also wants a little poetry in her life.

  • The Hamilton College Chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society, elected 14 members of the Class of 2016 to associate membership on May 3. The students are: Joelle Baer, John Bennett, Austin Durham, David Freeman, Olivia Gozdz, Elizabeth Larson, Alex Mitko, Eric Nieminen, Lillie Ogden, Abigail Quirk, Kenneth Ratliff, Emily Rubinstein, Michael Verostek and Ben Wesley.

  • Ten women participating in summer research in the Hamilton College Chemistry, Computer Science and Physics departments have been recognized as Clare Boothe Luce Undergraduate Research Scholars. Funded through a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation and matching funds from Hamilton College, these awards provide stipends and funding for equipment, supplies, and travel to encourage women to either begin or continue research projects in the three disciplines.

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