  • Vice President for Libraries and Information Technology David Smallen P’97 was honored as the 2016 Distinguished Service Award recipient by Hamilton’s Alumni Association. Alumni Association President Gordon Kaye ’74 presented the award on April 8 during the Alumni Council’s Recognition dinner.

  • In the last month, several national media outlets – including National Public Radio, National Journal and Inside Higher Ed – have included comments from Hamilton experts in various news stories related to corruption, politics and academe.

  • Hamilton College and Colgate University jointly announced today their partnership as new contributing members in the nonprofit, online learning platform edX. Founded by Harvard University and MIT, edX currently offers more than 150 courses in many areas of study, including the arts and humanities, public health, law, math and computer science. Its focus is to create access to the world’s best education globally, improve on-campus education and conduct research to enhance teaching and learning.

  • On September 15, David Smallen became the Vice President for Libraries and Information Technology, a position that allows him to create new pathways of collaboration between the traditional functions of both the Burke Library and Information Technology (IT). Smallen has been at Hamilton since 1972 — “I sometimes joke that I handed out the pistols at Hamilton’s duel,” he said — and has been involved with the Information Technology department since 1974.

  • Both Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Monica Inzer and Vice President for Information Technology Dave Smallen were quoted in the Oct. 1 issue of University Business magazine. In “Tuition setting: rationale behind determining price in a time of limited budgets,” Inzer discussed the participants and processes in tuition-setting discussions and in “Cloud email: the good the bad the uptime:,” Smallen discussed the elimination of storage costs and improved uptime that resulted when the college converted to gmail.

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