  • Bilal Mustafa ’19 first became acquainted with the subject of finance at Lahore University of Management Sciences in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, where he was enrolled for two years before transferring to Hamilton College. At Hamilton, his interest in the market blossomed, as he realized he much preferred learning about the economy outside a formal education structure. This summer, Mustafa is putting his financial knowledge to the test, interning at global markets and financial advisory firm StormHarbour.

  • For Nicole Lyons ’18, comedy has always been an integral part of life. Now she's having some fun in an internship with Viacom and Comedy Central Records and Comedy Central Radio.

  • After learning about Blue-Med Africa from her sister, a former volunteer at the organization, Deb Gakpo ’19 knew she wanted to intern at the same program and made it happen.

  • Last summer, Natasha Espinosa ’18 interned at NBC Sports during the 2016 Olympic games, an experience that showed her she's most interested in the corporate and business realm of the industry.

  • Fiona Griffin ’18, a psychology major, credits her father, an autism behavior specialist, with inspiring her drive to work with the autism community.

  • During her sophomore year Hannah Fink ’19 launched a summer internship search with a focused approach and a clear idea of what she was after. The result a — full summer’s work as a public relations and social media intern at Praytell, a digital communications firm in Brooklyn with a roster of impressive clients.

  • After interning at the Clinton Early Learning Center this past year, economics major Noam Barnhard ’18 knew he wanted to pursue a summer opportunity involving childhood behavioral science, particularly with at-risk children.

  • For Emily Teichman ’18, the study of mood disorders, especially of depression, is a topic of great personal relevance. “I would be hard-pressed to find a person whose life, in some way, whether directly or through a friend or family member, has not been touched by this disease,” she said.

  • After developing an interest in economics as a first-year student, Zach Baker ’18 took his first job in the field with the Tioga County Industrial Development Agency, a small economic development agency in Owego, NY.

  • Environmental studies major Kaitlyn Thayer ’19 found an internship that links her interests in food sustainability with a career in the real world.

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