  • Professor of History Thomas Wilson has co-authored a book with University of California Berkeley Professor Michael Nylan titled Lives of Confucius: Civilization's Greatest Sage Through the Ages (Doubleday Religion, 4/10).

  • Professor of History Thomas Wilson presented a paper, "Sacrifice and Confucian Conceptions of Gods and Spirits," at a conference in Taipei, Taiwan. Fifteen scholars from China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and the U.S. were invited to present papers at the International Conference on the Global Confucius: Sacrifice and the Confucius Temple, which was sponsored by the Taipei Municipal Government and the Taipei Confucius Temple Association.

  • Professor of History Thomas Wilson presented "'Sacrifice to the Spirits as Living': A Confucian Theory of Gods" at the Columbia University Seminar on Neo-Confucian Studies on Oct. 2. The paper is a chapter from his book manuscript titled Confucian Gods and the Rites to Venerate Them in Imperial China.


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