  • A historic U.S. Supreme Court opinion today legalizes same-sex marriage across the country. Civil rights lawyer and Hamilton alumna Mary Bonauto ’83 was one of the attorneys who argued against same-sex marriage bans before the court, and she won earlier legal victories that helped lay the groundwork for today’s decision.

  • Gordon Kaye ’74, editor and publisher of Graphic Design USA, has been selected by the Alumni Council as the new president of the Alumni Association, succeeding John Hadity ’83. His term began July, 2015.

  • Sam Welch, Class of 1986, has been named as Hamilton’s new Assistant Vice President/Executive Director of the Maurice Horowitch Career and Life Outcomes Center. According to Dick Tantillo’s announcement, Welch will “provide strategic leadership for a comprehensive career center focused on serving students throughout their undergraduate years and beyond.”

  • Cassidy (Cassie) Dennison ’16 is spending her summer interning as a legislative analyst at Williams & Jensen, LLC, in Washington D.C, a litigation and lobbying firm.  Dennison, a government major, discovered the internship through a connection at the Hamilton College Career Center, which put her in contact with Hamilton alumnus George Baker ’74, a partner at Williams & Jensen. The firm is home to a number of other Hamilton alumni, including Baker’s fellow partner Frank Vlossak ’89, Marc Pitarresi ’10 and Kevin Prior ’13.

  • Although archaeology is often associated with dinosaur fossils and sarcophagi, museums only hold a small portion of the artifacts unearthed over the past few centuries. For Max Lopez ’15, who’s currently working as a teaching assistant at a summer field school in British Columbia, “it’s the day-to-day kind of stuff that really gets [him] going, the smaller stuff that tells a story everyone can relate to.” It is these types of discoveries he hopes to make, leading him to pursue a Masters of Archaeology at Cambridge University beginning in the fall.

  • Sindy Subance von Ziegesar '01 recently launched Coco Bebe, an all-natural, organic coconut oil moisturizer that’s great for baby and mom. Sindy describes this product as, "a daily and bedtime massage moisturizer, to treat baby eczema and cradle cap, stretch marks and so much more!"

  • While many recent graduates interested in an MBA take a few years to gain some professional work experience, Sabrina Yurkofsky ’15 is moving straight on from graduation to pursue a degree from NYU’s Stern School of Business, where she will be concentrating in entertainment, media and technology.

  • The familiar combined with the new to create an unforgettable Reunions ’15. More than 1,100 alumni and their guests enjoyed a memorable weekend of weather that was ranked a perfect 10, June 4-7. Members of the Class of 1965 were feted and the 50th anniversary of the signing of Kirkland College’s charter was celebrated.

  • The Orchard at Hamilton, an artist residency and development program constituting a nine-day stay on campus by a number of alumni and undergraduates, is beginning to flourish this week.

  • Hamilton has named its new intercollegiate athletics team center, a 5,100-square-foot addition to Sage Rink, for alumnus and charter trustee Robert V. Delaney ’79 and his wife Pamela Craig. The couple provided the lead funding for the $3.2 million facility that includes four team rooms for fall, winter and spring sports teams; a satellite sports medicine room; laundry room; and an equipment enclosure. The Delaney Team Center was dedicated during Reunion Weekend on Saturday, June 6.


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