  • Nearly 500 members of the Classes of 1999 to 2014 participated in a bracket-style competition to earn a $10,000 challenge offered by Dan Fielding ’07. The money will fund four additional summer internship stipends for students through the Career and Life Outcomes Center.

  • Students in the NYC program were given a tour of the Highline, a park/walkway built from the remains of an elevated New York Central Railroad line on April 15. The group’s guide was Hamilton alumnus John Allen ’60 who lives in the Chelsea area with his wife. He had many stories to tell about the neighborhoods surrounding the Highline and the donors who helped make this urban green space possible.

  • Kiana “Kiki” Sosa ’15 and Kayla Cody ’15, both Boston Posse Foundation scholars, have been awarded Hamilton’s prestigious Bristol Fellowship.

  • The Hamilton College Program in Washington D.C. students had the privilege of attending a dinner hosted by Tom Vilsack ’72, P’00, Barbara Stein K’72 and Christie Vilsack K’72, P’00 on April 8. Tom Vilsack is the former governor of Iowa and current secretary of agriculture in the Obama administration. Christie Vilsack is senior advisor for international education at USAID, and Stein is director of strategic partnerships for the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.

  • Daniel Chambliss, the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology, discussed How College Works at several recent alumni events in New England. The book, which he co-authored with Christopher Takacs ’05, was published in 2014 by Harvard University Press.

  • Update: 5:57 p.m. After conducting a thorough sweep of Kirner-Johnson and adjacent buildings with bomb-sniffing dogs, the New York State Police has recommended that Hamilton College fully lift its shelter-in-place order that was enacted this morning. Since the bomb threat was judged to be unsubstantiated and no evidence exists to validate the accompanying threat of a possible shooter, the police are now focusing on finding the perpetrator of this incident. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We are also grateful to the approximately 50 local, county and state police officers who responded from across New York State. Several State Police officers will remain on campus tonight and tomorrow.

  • Professor of Music Sam Pellman was honored as the 2015 Distinguished Service Award recipient by Hamilton’s Alumni Association. John Hadity ’83, president of the Alumni Association, presented the award on April 10 during the Alumni Council’s Recognition dinner.

  • As part of Carlson’s new position in Chattanooga, she is in charge of animal training, animal enrichment, and all the programming that happens for the public on the floor of the aquarium. Thus far, Carlson’s main focuses in her promotion have been in the “non-fish” department, working with penguins, otters, and alligators, though she also has some experience working with fish.

  • Co-Director of the Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi) Janet Simons, Philippa (Pippa) Schwarzkopf ’16 and John Bartle, associate professor of German and Russian languages and literatures, gave an invited presentation of two short films on April 2 at Hartwick College.

  • An article titled “Molecular Genetic Diversity and Characterization of Conjugation Genes in the Fish Parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis,” by Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang, along with six Hamilton students and recent graduates, appears in the May issue of Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.


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