  • Hamilton students in the New York City Program attended the premiere of a new New York Philharmonic symphony by John Adams, “Scheherazade.2-Dramatic Symphony for Violin and Orchestra,” on March 27 in Avery Fischer Hall.

  • In concert with the National Park Service's call to ring “Bells across the Land: A Nation Remembers Appomattox,” the College's Chapel bell will ring for four minutes at 3:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, to mark the four years of war that ended 150 years ago at Appomattox.  One hour later, at 4:15 p.m., a short memorial program will commemorate the role Hamilton students and alumni played in the Civil War, as well as  in the abolitionist movement that preceded the war. This program is free and open to the public.

  • Hamilton College President Joan Hinde Stewart announced the death of Life Trustee Ralph Hansmann ’40, P’72 in an email to the Hamilton community. He died on April 2 at the age of 96.

  • Five Hamilton students attended the 249th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition held in Denver from  March 21 to March 26. Attendees were seniors Esther Cleary, Liz DaBramo, and Jordan Graziadei along with sophomores Mia Kang and Rich Wenner. Students participated in a variety of seminars representing a large breadth of chemistry and networked with industry professionals and representatives of graduate programs.

  • Pioneering civil rights attorney Mary L. Bonauto ’83 H’05 was selected from a cadre of attorneys to make an historic argument before the U.S. Supreme Court against same-sex marriage bans in Michigan and Kentucky. The court also will hear arguments on behalf of same-sex couples who want the states of Ohio and Tennessee to recognize their out-of-state marriages.

  • Hamilton College has a long history of engagement in the Foreign Service  beginning with alumnus Elihu Root, class of 1864, who served as U.S. Secretary of State for four years beginning in 1905. Given this legacy, it is not surprising that one current and four former ambassadors are sharing their experiences and perspectives with the campus community this semester.

  • Ryan Serhant ’06 makes his film debut in “While We’re Young,” a movie starring Ben Stiller and directed by Noah Baumbach, opening in theatres on March 27. Serhant, widely known as one of the stars and real estate agents of Bravo TV’s “Million Dollar Listing New York,” appears in this comedy-drama portraying middle-aged couple (Naomi Watts and Ben Stiller) who befriend a younger hipster couple in New York City (Amanda Seyfried and Adam Driver).

  • On Thursday, March 19th Summer will launch her book, Erebus, from 6-8pm at 43 East 20th St. #3 NY, NY 10003. 

  • Hamilton will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Kirkland charter during Reunions ’15. The New York State Board of Regents approved Kirkland’s charter in March 1965, 153 years after their approval of the original Hamilton College charter. The first class entered in 1968.

  • Frank Anechiarico ’71, the Maynard-Knox Professor of Government and Law, recently joined the advisory board of The Museum of Political Corruption in Albany, N.Y. Also on the board is former gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout.


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