  • Allie Pohl ’07 presented an installation from her Ideal Woman series at SCOPE contemporary art show in Miami, FL during Art Basel 2014. The annual exhibition, which ran from December 2-7th, featured several life-sized sculptures by Pohl, each is a variation of the feminine form that has become her signature series, Ideal Woman. Pohl’s Designer Ideal Woman was selected by NYLON Magazine as one of the top ten pieces to see in Miami during Art Basel 2014. 

  • NPR’s science correspondent Shankar Vedantam featured a study on character versus performance and compensation in the National Football League (NFL) that began as Kendall Weir’s senior thesis by under the direction of Professor of Economics Stephen Wu. The Dec. 18 broadcast on NPR’s Morning Edition highlighted the results of Weir ’12 and Wu’s paper titled “Criminal Records and the Labor Market for Professional Athletes” published in The Journal of Sports Economics.

  • Ken A. Dill, Distinguished Professor of Physics & Chemistry at Stony Brook University, visited Hamilton on Dec. 4-5, as the College’s second Robert S. Morris Class of 1976 Visiting Fellow.

  • Thousands of spectators filled the Margaret Bundy Scott Field House to hear Derek Jeter, five-time World Series champion and member of MLB’s 3,000-hit club, participate in a moderated question and answer session.

  • Throughout his 20-year career with the New York Yankees, Derek Jeter had the reputation as a “gamer” – always the player who gave 110 percent and played harder than anyone else. The former Yankees captain and shortstop proved that label still holds when he slogged through snow, ice and a Nor’easter to keep his date at Hamilton College as a guest in the Sacerdote Great Names series on Dec. 10.

  • Six students have been selected to receive the Class of 1979 Student Travel Award. The award, established by the alumni of Hamilton’s Class of 1979, offers financial assistance to Hamilton students who wish to pursue extensive research projects in different parts of the world.

  • Danny Lustberg ’14, and Douglas Weldon, the Stone Professor of Psychology, presented a poster at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 19. Meghan Hind, a student at Harvard University was a coauthor of the presentation.

  • Peter J. Rabinowitz and Corinne Bancroft ’10 were invited to lead an interactive session at the National Council of Teachers of English Conference on Nov. 21, in Washington, D.C. Rabinowitz is the Carolyn C. and David M. Ellis ’38 Distinguished Teaching Professor of Comparative Literature.

  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, and Kimberly Walker ’07 published a chapter in International Perspectives on Participation. The book is volume 15 in the series Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms from Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

  • Kathleen "Kat" McGrory '05, a reporter at the Miami Herald since 2006, was recently featured on MuckRack.com for her success in journalism. McGrory was recognized as Florida’s Young Journalist of the Year in 2008, and won a National Education Writing Award in 2009.

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