  • Hamilton students are known for their leadership potential, whether in the classroom, on the field, or in the organizations they manage. Like many graduates, government major Jake London ’14 is translating the leadership skills he learned at the College into a promising career path. After starting early this summer London is serving as campaign manager for New Hampshire state senate candidate Chris Muns, hitting the ground running as he explores a long-term career in political organizing.

  • Attended by 170 individuals from 52 colleges and universities, the Sharing the Annual Fund Fundamentals Conference, referred to as STAFF, was held for the second year on the Hamilton campus, from July 14-16.

  • Max Schnidman’s ’14 academic and extracurricular pursuits during his Hamilton tenure demonstrate a fascination with economic research: he participated in the annual Fed Challenge; he interned for the Department of State's Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs as part of Hamilton’s Washington D.C. Program; and finally, he culminated his academic career by writing senior theses on the philosophy of economics and another on the economics of happiness. Fittingly, Schnidman will join the Research Fellows Program at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to work as an economic assistant this August.

  • Hamilton College men's crew alum Willy Cowles '09 (Farmington, Conn.) collected national titles in all three races he competed in at the 2014 USRowing National Championships in West Windsor, N.J., on June 27.

  • Style has devoted a special issue (Volume 48/1) to recent pedagogical work by Peter J. Rabinowitz and Corinne Bancroft ’10. Rabinowitz is  the Carolyn C. and David M. Ellis ’38 Distinguished Teaching Professor of Comparative Literature. The issue begins with Rabinowitz and Bancroft’s “Euclid at the Core: Recentering Literary Education.”

  • As a double concentrator in theatre and comparative literature, Lauren Lanzotti ’14 was a committed student, but her college experience involved much more than in-classroom study. Her four years at Hamilton helped her discover new passions, develop valuable skills, and launch an exciting career in the theater production business.  Lanzotti will work as a new product sales representative at Rosco Laboratories, a theatrical supply company based in Stamford, Conn.

  • Jessica Moulite ’14 has always been interested in journalism. She’s drawn to the concept of using media as a platform to contact and connect a group of people. In the fall, Moulite is one step closer to her dream as she enrolls in the University of Southern California’s prestigious Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

  • Alumni returned to the Hill and were greeted by sunny skies and seasonal temperatures for Reunions 2014 on June 5-8. 

  • Although the school year has ended, the campus is still bustling with activity. In particular, it’s hard to miss the some 120 people working on the new Kevin and Karen Kennedy Center for Theatre and the Studio Arts, which will be opening its doors this fall. The building is in its final stages of construction, representing over 13 years of planning and millions of dollars in donations and serving as a beacon for the arts on the Hill. The Kennedy Center, positioned directly  across College Hill Road from the Wellin Art Museum, will offer students and faculty incredible spaces in which to create, teach and  perform.

  • Hamilton will welcome back more than 1000 alumni and their guests when it hosts the college’s annual Reunion Weekend, this year on Thursday-Sunday, June 5-8. 


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