  • Five members of Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology, volunteered at the Walk for Autism fundraiser in Oneida on April 20. April is Autism Awareness Month and the walk was held to benefit The Kelberman Center in Utica, a regional center for excellence for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  The center was founded by Michael Kelberman ’80. Heather Wixson, associate director of the Career Center, was co-chair of the walk this year.

  • Shayna Schmidt '12 appeared as Susie Friend in The Mad & Merry Theatre Company's production of Uncommon Women and Others by Wendy Wasserstein, running March 15-24 at The Connelly Theater in New York.

  • Alumni and friends gathered at the Prince Street Gallery in Chelsea for an art show and talk by Gina Werfel K’73, Professor of Art, University of California, Davis. Gina, majored in art at Kirkland College then earned an MFA from Columbia University.

  • Three Hamilton alumni were selected to the top leadership positions with the New York Law School Law Review for the 2013-14 academic year.  William Bartholomew '08 and Helen Quigley '10 have been named editor-in-chief and managing editor, respectively, and William Lemon '08 was selected to serve as an executive editor.  Bartholomew, Lemon, and Quigley will receive their juris doctorates in 2014.  Both Bartholomew and Quigley graduated from Hamilton with degrees in world politics, while Lemon majored in philosophy and religious studies.

  • The Bronx Museum celebrates the opening of Solace on the Line, a multi-media exhibit, with text by Susan Hartman K'74, and photos and video by Todd Heisler, based on their New York Times photo essay.  The Exhibition opens on Apr. 19 from 7:00-9:00 pm and will run from Apr. 19-Sept. 8, 2013.

  • The Hamilton College Arboretum Association will host a presentation titled “Stalking Hamilton’s Trees for a Half Century,” with artist John Suplee ’69, on Saturday, April 20, at 10 a.m., in the Kennedy Auditorium, Taylor Science Center. The event is free and open to the public.

  • Several members of the Hamilton College community were touched by the bombings at the Boston Marathon. We have learned that students, alumni and at least one employee ran in Monday’s race. Although shaken emotionally, none of them was gravely injured, according to what has been reported to us, but an alumnus standing near the finish line was injured when one of the bombs exploded. He was released from the hospital last night. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrible act of senseless violence and with their families.

  • The independent study group "The Possibility of a Critical Pedagogy" attended United Opt Out: Occupy the Department of Education 2.0 in Washington, D.C., from April 5-7.

  • President Joan Hinde Stewart announced the passing of Life Trustee Fran Musselman  ’50, H’05, P’75 in an e-mail to the campus community on April 5. “I write with great sadness to inform you that Life Trustee Fran Musselman’50, H’05, P’75 died peacefully yesterday after succumbing to lung cancer. His daughters were at his side. He lived 87 full years.”

  • Hamilton students and alumni took the opportunity to put their business ideas and proposals to the test through the annual Hamilton College Pitch Competition held during Volunteer Weekend, April 5-7.


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