  • The ALS Association has appointed Kim Ann Mink '81as a member of the ALS Association's National Board of Trustees.  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, named for the New York Yankee Hall of Famer who died of ALS.

  • Associate Professor of Art Ella Gant and 15 students participating in the spring 2013 New York City Program started the semester with a visit to the studio of visual artist Spencer Finch '85.

  • During the two weeks before they returned to campus, some 143 Hamilton sophomores got a close look at possible careers as they took part in the third HamiltonExplore, sponsored by the Career Center.

  • Although many Hamilton students just finished arriving on campus for the spring semester, a group of 55 students quickly turned around and boarded a bus late Sunday night for a 24-hour round trip to Washington, D.C., to attend the Inauguration Day ceremony for President Barack Obama’s second term.

  • Hamilton President Joan Hinde Stewart announced in an e-mail to the campus community the death of life trustee James T. Rhind ’44, P ’83 ’85. He died on Jan. 16 at the age of 90.

  • Associate Professor of Theatre Mark Cryer is among members of the Hamilton community who are in Washington, D.C. for President Barack Obama’s inauguration today.  The Hamilton College Democrats left for Washington at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 20, and arrived today at 4 a.m.  Jack Cartwright ’15  is one of the students there to watch the inauguration with his father, Matt Cartwright ’83, a new member of Congress representing Pennsylvania’s 17th district.

  • A film produced by Erica Kowsz ’11 and Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale, along with Irish filmmaker Kieran Concannon and University of Notre Dame Professor of Anthropology Ian Kuijt, was published by The Archaeology Channel.  Silent Stones of Inishark: Memories, Archaeology, Landscape was featured in a January “Video News” segment.

  • The national media highlighted Hamilton College in multiple ways throughout 2012 by focusing on faculty research and expertise, featuring opinion pieces, and announcing new endeavors and special student projects. From The Today Show to NPR’s All Things Considered to The Chronicle of Higher Education, the college was visible in the media across the country.

  • The New York Program visit to BNY Mellon at One Wall St. consisted of a luncheon, followed by a panel discussion with alums and parents of Hamilton College students, then a tour of the company’s museum, which holds a loan agreement signed by Alexander Hamilton given to the U.S. government. The trip ended with a brief tour of the company’s former public banking floor,  known as the Red Room.

  • The Hamilton Alumni Association is honoring the College’s namesake with the annual Alexander Hamilton Birthday Parties, beginning on Jan. 11, Hamilton’s actual birth date in 1755. Parties will be held across the globe, from New York and Boston to Seattle and Honolulu, as well as London, Tokyo and China.


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