  • The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit news organization focused on producing in-depth education journalism, published an interview with Daniel Chambliss, the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology, on May 17.  “Q&A with Dan Chambliss: A successful college education can come down to a single conversation” focused on the Mellon Foundation-funded longitudinal study initiated by Chambliss in 2001. The article reviewed some of the study results, which will be included in a forthcoming book titled How College Works, and what implications the results might have for U.S. higher education.

  • Emily Melhorn '01 has been selected as a 2012 artist-in-residence for the National Homestead Monument of America with the National Parks Service. Melhorn is one of five artists who have been offered the opportunity to live at the monument and let their work be inspired by the Homestead Story and the physical environment.

  • Papers by Professor of Anthropology Tom Jones, Professor of Archaeology Charolotte Beck and Professor of Geosciences David Bailey were published in the April issue of American Antiquity. The quarterly journal is published by the Society for American Archaeology.

  • Academic achievement prizes, prize scholarships and other recognition of student accomplishments were awarded at Hamilton's 62nd annual Class & Charter Day convocation on Friday, May 4, in the Chapel. Among the top prizes, Susannah Parkin ’13 was awarded the Milton F. Fillius Jr. /Joseph Drown Prize Scholarship, and Jacob Sheetz-Willard ’12 was named the recipient of the James Soper Merrill Prize.

  • Hamilton College archaeologists were well-represented on the program of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology held April 18-22 in Memphis, Tenn. Several students, faculty members and alumni presented research with other Hamilton alumni in attendance.

  • Hamilton’s Class & Charter Day celebration, an annual convocation recognizing student and faculty excellence during the preceding academic year, will take place on Friday, May 4, at 12:15 p.m., in the Chapel. This year’s speaker is Julie Ross ’84, president of the Alumni Association. Her remarks are titled “Reflections on Inspiration, Transformation and Hamilton at its Bicentennial.”

  • Although college seniors are likely the group most focused on obtaining a job, Hamilton’s Career Center has programs in place that help guide underclassmen to those careers. One example is HamiltonExplore, a career shadowing program designed to assist sophomore students with career exploration and decision making by offering the opportunity to “shadow”  a Hamilton alumnus/a or parent in the workplace for a day or part of a day.

  • Alice Popejoy '09, who will be a doctoral student in the Public Health Genetics Program at the University of Washington School of Public Health in Seattle this fall, has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship for genetics and bioethics research.

  • Bostonia Magazine has featured Lisa J. Messersmith '84 and her efforts to prevent the transmission of HIV  among injecting drug users in Vietnam in an article titled " Ho Chi Minh gets with the program: How an American public health researcher helped shape AIDS law in Vietnam."

  • Peter Tague ’88 delivered a talk to Professor Erol Balkan’s International Finance class on April 12 in KJ.  A lifetime investment banker, Tague was recently promoted to the position of global head of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) for Citigroup, and is also a vice chairman of the firm. Tague covered a myriad of topics for the class, ranging from the current crises in Greece and the greater Eurozone to how a typical M&A transaction works, and even attempted to answer the question, “Will China take over the world?”


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