  • The Career Center and Alpha Delta Phi hosted a panel featuring alumni with careers in law, government, publishing and finance on Feb. 4. The event was moderated by Orges Llupa ’05, an analyst for Bloomberg LP.

  • Kassandra Zaila ’15 was the lead author of an article published last week in the journal Frontiers of Microbiology. The article was based on research supported by the Casstevens Family Fund.

  • Jordyn Taylor '12 majored in history and theater at Hamilton. She currently works as a news editor at Mic.

  • Greg Thomas ’85 published “Reading Albert Murray in the Age of Trump.”

  • Here’s a question worthy of Final Jeopardy! — From the East Coast’s northernmost state to the one at its southernmost tip, who are the poets laureate of Maine and Florida? Hope you wagered big and answered, “Who are Stuart Kestenbaum and Peter Meinke?”

  • Long before Ezra Pound made a name for himself through his poetry or political viewpoints, he strolled the paths of College Hill. His association with his alma mater, like his life in general, was riddled with controversy. Pound, Class of 1905, may rank just behind statesman Elihu Root, Class of 1864, on the list of Hamilton’s most prominent alumni. Still, after his graduation Pound returned only twice to campus, and on one of those visits he got into a shouting match.

  • Matt Zeller ’04 published an op-ed on President Trump’s executive order and immigration ban in the Washington Post on Jan. 28. In “Trump shuts the door on men and women who have sacrificed for America,” Zeller wrote that the order “shut the door on thousands of foreign interpreters, our wartime allies, who have served alongside our military since 2001.

  • As general counsel for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, Marc Elias ’90 was in the thick of the long, historic and divisive 2016 election. If he slowed down in its aftermath, it was hard to tell. He represented the Clinton campaign when Green Party candidate Jill Stein pushed for recounts in several states and argued two different redistricting cases before the U.S. Supreme Court on the same December day.

  • Nearly 50 Hamilton students met their match on Jan. 22 when they participated in the Career Center’s Communicate 301. The event, formerly known as Interview Mojo, pairs a student with an alumna/us, member of the business community or Hamilton staff member for a one-on-one mock job interview. This was the seventh year for the event.

  • Hamilton College charter trustee Linda E. Johnson, a 1980 graduate, has established the Johnson-Pote Museum Director Fund in support of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art director’s position.

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