  • Leonard C. Ferguson Professor of Music Samuel Pellman presented ngc 6357, a recent composition with video by Miranda Raimondi '08, in September, to a packed house at the Musikbar Rhiz in Vienna. The event was part of the Kyma International Sound Symposium, which included computer musicians from academic posts and the recording industry in Europe and North America.

  • Julianne Jaquith '08 has been awarded a Fulbright Teaching Assistantship to Venezuela. She will spend the 2010-2011 academic year in Mérida, Venezuela, helping to improve students’ English language skills while learning more about her host country.

  • Megan Brousseau '08 recently received Teach for America's Sue Lehmann award for excellence in teaching high school science. Brousseau teaches 9th grade biology at the Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics in New York City.

  • Samuel Pellman, the Leonard C. Ferguson Professor of Music, presented his composition NGC 2080, Variation 2 at the Emerson Gallery on Feb. 18 as part of the Gallery’s “Look Up” exhibition. Pellman’s piece, which was accompanied by a video created by his collaborator Miranda Raimondi '08, combines unique and innovative sounds with beautiful and meaningful images.

  • Hamilton's Emerson Gallery will present an artists’ talk with Samuel Pellman, the Leonard C. Ferguson Professor of Music, and alumna Miranda Raimondi ’08, on Thursday, Feb. 18, at noon in the gallery. Pellman and Raimondi will discuss their work, "Music From Space: Samuel Pellman and Miranda Raimondi’s Selected Nebulae."

  • Leaders of The Young People’s Project at Hamilton College met with Omo Moses, co-founder of the national non-profit organization, in Cambridge, Mass., on Dec. 22. They gathered to discuss the success of the site at Hamilton College and develop a model that would allow the success to be repeated at other colleges and universities nationwide.

  • Professor of Chemistry Tim Elgren has published a paper in the Journal of Materials Chemistry with Amy Barrows ’08 and co-workers from Montana State University. The paper is titled “High Level of Hydrogen Production Activity Achieved for Hydrogenase Encapsulated in Sol-Gel Material Doped with Carbon Nanotubes.”

  • Although he has read it once before, Jason Oberholtzer ’08 wants another crack at a book that he says “nobody” reads.

  • On January 4, more than 30 scientists from 11 states and four countries, led by  Hamilton's Eugene Domack, the J.W. Johnson Family Professor of Geosciences, embarked upon one of the most complex interdisciplinary Antarctic expeditions ever funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). During the two-month trip the scientists will be addressing a significant regional problem with global change implications, the abrupt environmental change in Antarctica's Larsen Ice Shelf System. The expedition is part of the NSF's International Polar Year (IPY) program.

  • A paper by Professor of Physics Ann Silversmith and former Hamilton students Nguyen T.T. Nguyen '08 and Dan Campbell '08, has been published in the December 2009 issue of the Journal of Luminescence. The article, "Fluorescence yield in rare earth doped sol-gel silicate glasses," was also co-authored by Carlos Ortiz '08 and Dan Boye of Davidson College and Kurt Hoffman of Whitman College.


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