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While many members of Hamilton’s Class of 2024 have launched careers, others are embarking on graduate study.
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At Hamilton College, learning transcends geographic boundaries and traditional methods, providing students with unique and memorable experiences that bring their material to life.
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Not only did Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck and 20 students and recent graduates from his lab co-author the peer-reviewed cover article for the Nov. 22, 2024, issue of Organic Letters, but one of those students – Chrissy Crespo ’25 – designed the cover.
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Forty-five new faculty members have entered Hamilton’s ranks, including nine tenure-track professors in anthropology, art, computer science, dance and movement studies, economics, government, mathematics and statistics, music, and Russian. They join 31 visiting professors and lecturers, and four teaching fellows for the 2024-25 academic year.
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Pottery by Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Grace Troxell is featured in "this pot is made of earth and when it breaks, my father laughs," a solo exhibition at Open Source Gallery in Brooklyn.
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The Wellin Museum of Art at Hamilton College will host an exhibition called “Menagerie: Animals in Art” from September 7 to June 8, 2025. This exhibit will showcase hundreds of artworks featuring animals from ancient times to today.
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Many people assume that being pre-med means sacrificing hobbies and travel opportunities. Not so for Carolyn Levin ’26, a biochemistry and art double major, who is nurturing her pre-med goals by tapping into her enthusiasm for ceramics. With the help of an Emerson grant and the Global Study Office, she has traversed continents, languages, and ceramics studios to explore her passion.
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Professor of Art Robert Knight was recently awarded the Architecture, Culture and Spirituality Forum (ACSF) Lindsay Jones Memorial Fellowship.
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In 2023, the National Endowment for the Humanities awarded Hamilton a grant for its new curatorial studies program, and this summer a handful of students had the opportunity to work behind-the-scenes as interns at regional galleries and museums. We talked with a few about their experiences.
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Professor of Music Heather Buchman was named the inaugural recipient of the John L. Baldwin, Jr. Professorship in Music, and 10 other faculty members were appointed to endowed chairs effective July 1.