  • Dean of Faculty Patrick D. Reynolds announced the appointment of nine Hamilton faculty members to endowed chairs. All were effective July 1.

  • Six Hamilton faculty members were approved for tenure by the College’s Board of Trustees during a recent meeting. The board granted tenure to Emily Conover, economics, Andrew Dykstra, mathematics, John Eldevik, history, Nathan Goodale, anthropology, Adam Van Wynsberghe, chemistry, and Zhuoyi Wang, East Asian languages and literatures. The tenures are effective July 1. With the granting of tenure comes the title of associate professor.

  • Graduating seniors Ryan Dorey, Victoria Lin, Sara Kleinman and Isabel Oskwarek were chosen by the French Ministry of Education to participate in the Teaching Assistants in France Program for 2015-16.

  • Elizabeth “Edie” Wilson ’15 has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Thailand.  Wilson completed her Hamilton coursework as an anthropology major in December and will graduate in May.  She is currently a research assistant at ICF International in Washington, D.C., evaluating the effectiveness of government grants related to education.

  • Associate Professor of Anthropology Chaise LaDousa is the co-editor of Students’ Experiences of Power and Marginality: Sharing Spaces and Negotiating Differences, a book recently published by Routledge that explores the experiential dimensions of college life.

  • Lots of “oohs” and “ahhs” and a couple shrieks were heard in the Taylor Science Center during spring break when two groups of local third-grade students visited for some hands-on science learning with the help of Hamilton’s science faculty. For more than 20 years, Professor of Biology Dave Gapp has organized “Science Exploration Days” which bring classes of elementary school students to Hamilton for guided tours and short lessons in various areas of science.

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale is an editor with Washington State University Professor William Andrefsky, Jr., of a new book. Lithic Technological Systems and Evolutionary Theory was published this month by Cambridge University Press.

  • Associate Professor of Anthropology Chaise LaDousa published an article, “Subject to Address in a Digital Literacy Initiative: Neoliberal Agency and the Promises and Predicaments of Participation,” in the current issue of the journal Signs and Society.

  • Chris Vasantkumar, associate professor of anthropology, presented a paper titled “Unlearning Our Lines: Number, Line, and the Politics of Synchronization," as part of a multi-disciplinary symposium on non-linear temporalities held October 24-25 at Northwestern University.

  • Assistant Professor of Anthropology Nathan Goodale’s “Archaeology of Hamilton’s Founding” (Arch 110) class is excavating the property at 60 College Hill Road, looking for evidence that would link the structure back to its possible construction date of 1793 (per the plaque above the door). Investigations of several architectural features are indicative of the 18th century, making this possibly the oldest structure still on its original foundation on campus. 


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