  • An article titled “Molecular Genetic Diversity and Characterization of Conjugation Genes in the Fish Parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis,” by Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang, along with six Hamilton students and recent graduates, appears in the May issue of Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

  • Lots of “oohs” and “ahhs” and a couple shrieks were heard in the Taylor Science Center during spring break when two groups of local third-grade students visited for some hands-on science learning with the help of Hamilton’s science faculty. For more than 20 years, Professor of Biology Dave Gapp has organized “Science Exploration Days” which bring classes of elementary school students to Hamilton for guided tours and short lessons in various areas of science.

  • Since the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, the study and the understanding of genetics has grown exponentially. Gene therapy, the Human Genome Project, and “designer babies” exhibit the growing interest and relevance of genetics on modern society. Kari Koga ’15, a biology major, has had the opportunity to explore her passion for genetics research for the past three summers with Evolutionary Genomics.

  • In our society seemingly obsessed with healthy, natural ingredients in everything from food to shampoo, herbal medicines and supplements might seem like a contemporary trend. But their history in fact goes back to the 18th century. A new exhibit at Burke Library is displaying the proof.

  • Thirty-seven Hamilton students and four science faculty recently joined forces to introduce local middle school students to college-level discussion about public health issues.

  • Jacob Wagner ’15 presented a poster on his thesis work about the effects of copper herbicides on non-target fish at the annual conference of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society, held Jan. 20-22 in  Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Wagner is a biology major.

  • Supervisor of Introductory Laboratories Jason Townsend was the first author of a chapter titled “Energy Return on Investment (EROI), Liquid Fuel Production, and Consequences for Wildlife” that was recently published in Peak Oil, Economic Growth, and Wildlife Conservation.

  • Associate Professor of Biology Mike McCormick gave seminar talks on his recent work in Antarctica on Dec. 2 at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory Ecosystems Center and on Nov. 14 at the University of South Florida College of Marine Science.

  • Ernest Williams, the William R. Kenan Professor of Biology emeritus and lecturer in biology, presented a series of talks this fall on the endangered migration of the monarch butterfly.

  • Dean of Faculty Patrick D. Reynolds announced the appointment of four of Hamilton’s most outstanding teacher-scholars to endowed chairs. Professor of Philosophy A. Todd Franklin, Professor of Biology Jinnie M. Garrett, Professor of  Environmental Studies Todd W. Rayne and Professor of History Thomas A. Wilson were appointed, effective July 1.


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