  • Karen Brewer, the Silas D. Childs Professor in Agricultural Chemistry, was recently named a VIPEr (Virtual Inorganic Pedagogical Electronic Resource) Fellow.

  • Even if the laboratories are closed, the (online) libraries are open, and COVID-19 isn’t stopping Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Max Majireck, Amy Glanzer ’21, and Holly Hutchinson ’21 from conducting chemistry research this summer.

  • Janice Kang '20 knew she wanted to pursue graduate school ever since coming to Hamilton, and four years of chemistry classes and a number of research opportunities — including one that led her to co-authoring a paper — only confirmed that desire. After graduation, she will begin work toward her Ph.D. in chemistry at Northwestern University.

  • "Well, people say this a lot, but pretty much everyone you run into here is friendly. I got that vibe when I was here for my interview, and every time I’ve needed help with anything, there have been two or three people willing to offer it."

  • Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck co-authored a book chapter in Implication of Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Formation in Medicine, Agriculture and Food Industry, recently published by Springer Nature.

  • Suzanne Keen, vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty, announced the appointment of new faculty for the 2019-20 academic year, including nine tenure-track appointments.

  • The Chemistry Department recently hosted organic chemistry students and faculty from Colgate University and Hobart and William Smith Colleges for SmORS, the annual Summer Organic Research Symposium.

  • Paul Hart ’20 is one of 200 Hamilton students conducting research or completing an internship supported by the College this summer. He's working with Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck to synthesize a compound called BRD9876. BRD is essentially a selective motor protein inhibitor, and that means it targets multiple myeloma cells as a form of blood cancer.

  • Six faculty members were approved for tenure by Hamilton’s Board of Trustees during a recent meeting. The board awarded tenure to Katherine Brown (physics), Courtney Gibbons (mathematics), Gbemende Johnson (government), Alexandra List (psychology), Max Majireck (chemistry), and Seth Schermerhorn (religious studies).

  • Amy Glanzer ’21 and Holly Hutchinson ’21 both find chemistry challenging — and incredibly rewarding. They work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. as summer research assistants for Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck.


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