  • A favorable review of Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures Zhuoyi Wang’s book Revolutionary Cycles in Chinese Cinema, 1951-1979 recently appeared on Viewfinder, the journal of British Universities Film & Video Council. The book was published in July by Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Revolutionary Cycles in Chinese Cinema by Assistant Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures Zhuoyi Wang was recently published by Palgrave Macmillan.

  • De Bao Xu, the Leonard C. Ferguson Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, organized the 8th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT8). Co-sponsored by Hamilton and Tufts University, the event was held June 6-8 at Tufts.

  • De Bao Xu, the Leonard C. Ferguson Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, gave a keynote speech titled “Classic Reading, Writing Skill, and Critical Thinking” at the 50th International Conference on Elementary Chinese Education (ICECE).

  • Recipients of the 2014 Emerson Summer Grants were recently announced. Created in 1997, the  program was designed to provide students with significant opportunities to work collaboratively with faculty members, researching an area of interest. The recipients, covering a range of topics, are exploring fieldwork, laboratory and library research, and the development of teaching materials. The students will make public presentations of their research throughout the academic year.

  • De Bao Xu, the Leonard C. Ferguson Professor and chair of East Asian Languages and Literatures, received a special grant from the Hakka Foundation for his endeavors with the Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (JTCLT) and the International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT).

  • Hong Gang Jin, the William R. Kenan Professor of East Asian Languages and Literature, and director of the Associated Colleges in China program, presented a keynote lecture on April 19 at the 2014 Chinese Pedagogy Workshop for the Greater Washington, D.C., area.

  • Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures Kyoko Omori has been awarded an $11,000 grant from the Japan Foundation for a project titled “Reconstructing and Creating a New Japanese Silent Film Experience: Benshi, Music and Film.”

  • Lawrence Chua, postdoctoral fellow in Asian studies and visiting assistant professor of art history, gave a recent talk at the Syracuse University Humanities Center on “Architecture, Hip Hop, and Utopia.”

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori presented a paper, “Reinvesting Nuclear Capital: Hiroshima, Cinema, and Global Circulation of Witness,” at the American Comparative Literature Association Conference on March 22 at New York University.


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