  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner presented a paper titled “Saxa loquuntur?: Archaeological Fantasies in Wilhelm Jensen’s Gradiva” at a conference on March 28 at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Wash.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner recently published articles in Classical Receptions Journal and in the book Classical Traditions in Science Fiction and he also delivered a related lecture at Bryn Mawr College in February.

  • Barbara Gold, the Edward North Professor of Classics, and Professor of Comparative Literature Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz gave a lead-off talk titled “22 Years of Feminist Theory and the Classics” at a conference on “Classics and the New Faces of Feminism.” The conference was held Jan. 31 at the Institute for Classical Studies in London.

  • Benjamin Haller, the Batten Associate Professor of Classics at Virginia Wesleyan College, will present a lecture on Thursday, Feb. 5, at 4:10 p.m., in the Kennedy Auditorium. Haller’s talk will deal with reflections of the figure of Iphigeneia, the poet Simonides, and classical models of architecture as mind in Chris Nolan’s film Inception (2010). The lecture is sponsored by the Classics department and is free and open to the public.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Anne Feltovich played the role of the goddess Wealth in a recent production of Aristophanes' play by the same name. The play was staged on Jan. 9 at the annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in New Orleans. The script was translated and adapted from the original Greek by Karen Rosenbecker of Loyola University, formerly a visiting assistant professor of classics at Hamilton.

  • An article by Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner was published on Nov. 21 in The Atlantic. In “Ted Cruz: Confused About Cicero,” Weiner wrote about Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s rewriting of Cicero’s  “In Catilinam (Against Catiline)” to denounce President Barack Obama’s planned executive actions on immigration reform.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics Jesse Weiner recently presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association in Riverside, Calif., and published a paper in the International Journal of the Classical Tradition.

  • Shelley Haley, professor of classics and Africana studies, was invited to be a guest facilitator for a Mellon workshop on “Sex and Gender in Past Societies: New Theories and Approaches.”

  • Winslow Professor of Classics Carl A. Rubino presented at the Film & History conference held Oct. 29-Nov. 1 in Madison, Wisc. The theme of this year’s conference was “Golden Ages: Styles and Personalities, Genres and Histories.”

  • James Capreedy ’94, an assistant professor of classics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, will give a lecture titled “Geography, Digital Mapping and the Fall of Rome” on Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 4:10 p.m., in the Taylor Science Center, room 3024.


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